Chartwell Leadership Primary School


Equestrian and Horse Riding Lessons
The school uses the services of a third party horse riding instructor to teach the learners horse riding. Horse riding is optional. Those parents that want their learners to ride horses can do so and must complete the horse indemnity form. There is a once off registration fee of R250.00 and a monthly fee of R450 per month for learner’s of the school. Third parties pay R700 per month.

Agricultural Setting
Chartwell Leadership Primary School is nestled between the urban and agricultural dwelling of Fourways and Northriding, which is one of rare areas that provide the best of both urban and agricultural dwelling in Joburg. We have farm animals at the school (horses, cows sheep, ducks etc) all these add to the nurturing environment as our learners interact with animals. The animalss also help students respect and overcome their fears for animals.