Chartwell Leadership Primary School


Welcome and thank you for your interest in Chartwell Leadership Primary School. We seek to raise a generation of strong academic ambassadors and entrepreneurs for South Africa.
The pillars of a modern innovative society and successful economy is to provide quality education and particularly good quality pre-school and primary school education. In the midst of our growing social challenges facing South Africa it is important for our education system to be the shining light.
Quality education must focus on reversing the trend and psyche of dependency and cultivate a culture of self-reliance, creativity and opportunity. Our collective inability to create employment opportunities poses a threat and leaves a negative legacy that will burden future generations. Reversing this negative legacy has to start with our education system, which has to inspire and make our children believe in a better future.
The fundamental fact is that the global market has radically changed and our learners must be prepared to compete in the global economy for them to succeed, notwithstanding our legacy and challenges.
At Chartwell Leadership Primary School we place strong emphasis on entrepreneurial education as it fosters discipline, work ethic and self-reliance amongst learners, all which are critical elements in building character and life skills. Our learners are inspirational and perform above average. We build self confidence and self believe amongst all
our learners. The agricultural setting and animals also help learners overcome their fear of animals and assists them in developing compassion towards animals.
Quality education undoubtedly remains the cornerstone towards creating a great nation. Our quest for nationhood is anchored on quality education. We are creating a generation of learners that are not beholden to their parent’s challenges, guilt or limitations, but rather a generation of 'I-Canners'. Learners that believe everything is possible and can make a meaningful contribution to society and the next generation.
As parents we have a responsibility to provide our children the opportunities so that they can leave an even greater legacy for their grandchildren.
In your service and His
Simon White
Our Philosophy

We believe the best way to prepare our learners is to provide the best academic and extracurricular programs possible. Ours is a supportive, safe ,fun and nurturing environment where kids make friends for life with their peers, their teachers and the staff.
Our Objective

Our school is focused creating trailblazers and entrepreneurs, who will become leaders, wealth creators and industry shapers as they perform to higher standards.